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How can I see what I'm needing for
How can I give what I gave before
How can you tell me that you want me to stay
How can I stay when I'm trying to say
That I can't live without the rain
Yes I can't live without the rain
How can I feel what I'm trying to feel
How can I move when I'm heel to heel
You're always shouting about the doubt in my eyes
But I can't answer 'cos my eyes are so dry
Now I can't live without the rain
Yes I can't live without the rain
Now I can't live without the rain
That's falling on my head
Rain that's falling on my head
Rain that's falling
Rain that's falling
Rain that's falling on my head
I started thinking back to you know when
I'd like to send a line but then again
How can I write you when there ain't no light?
I'm feeling tired tonight but that is all right
Now I can't live without the rain
Yes I can't live without the rain
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