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Tammy Wynette - The wonders you perform

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Titre : The wonders you perform

Année : 1970

Auteurs compositeurs : J. Chesnut

Durée : 3 m 30 s

Label : Epic

Référence : E 30733

Présentation : Paru pour la première fois sur le disque Epic (5-10687).
Adapté en français par Georgette Lemaire, “Demain sera différent".

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Oh Lord, you know that I'm not one to bother you with little things
And you and I have never been too close
But we've always been on speakin' terms
I've watched you with doin' things
And tried to understand you more than most

No I haven't gone to church the way I ought to
But I always thought you knew in my own way I worshiped you
While even your own children doubt and fail to understand
The simple way you go about the things you do

I've seen the doubt upon the face of loved ones
As they sadly placed a wreath of flowers on a tiny grave
And wondered why a child is brought into the world
To only live a little while and die, you could have saved

But I believe that in your eyes this little child was something special
And you wanted it to be with you, no doubt
So with out-stretched arms you beckoned it so simple that I reckon
They can't understand the way you worked it out

Once I saw a young man growin' till he neared the age of knowing
Then I watched as somethin' happened to his mind
No doctor could correct it, it was just as I suspected
And I marveled at your way of bein' kind

They tried everything in vain and I was there when they explained it
To the family, how he slipped into a trance
Guess you looked into the future, watched him turn his back upon you
Lovin' him so much you couldn't take the chance

It took a lot of love to die, for sinners such as I
And I guess that's why you've never given up on me
You understood when some denied you and even when they crucified you
Knowin' all these things were meant to be

For the stable's such a simple thing, no wonder there were few who came
To see a king the night that
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