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Twisted Sister - Be cruel to your school

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Titre : Be cruel to your school

Interprète : Twisted sister

Année : 1985

Auteurs compositeurs : Dee Snider

Pochette : CMOR / Mark Weiss / Tom McPhillips / Dee Snider

Durée : 3 m 54 s

Label : Atlantic

Référence : 781 275-1

Présentation : Extrait de "Come out amd play", leur quatrième album, ce titre s'orthographie également "Be Chrool to your Scuel" ("fotes d'orthographes" volontaires)…
Avec la participation de Brian Setzer (des Stray Cats) à la guitare, de Clarence Clemons (Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band) au saxophone, de Billy Joel au Piano et d'Alice Cooper aux chœurs, ainsi que de Julia & Maxine Waters et de The Uptown Horns.

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Be cruel to your school
'Cause you may never get another
Be cruel to your school
In the name of rock and roll
Be cruel to your school
Just like a sister or a brother
Be cruel to your school
In the name of rock and roll

Well I don't think I'll make it through another day
It's eight o'clock and all ain't well
My brain hurts so much it's startin' to decay
And I'm livin' in my private hell
Didn't somebody tell me this would be so great
Be the best thing I ever had?
How come they never told me 'bout the word exaggerate
How'd somethin' so good get so bad?
'Cause, hey, I gotta know
Am I slow?
Where do I go from here?
Do abc's
And 123's
Mean that much to me, that much to me, me, me, me, me, me, me

Be cruel to your school
'Cause you may never get another
Be cruel to your school
In the name of rock and roll
Be cruel to your school
Just like a sister or a brother
Be cruel to your school
In the name of rock and roll

Sing it, Alice
I see them walkin' 'round like the livin' dead
Ain't they got nothin' between their ears
How come they don't seem to hear a single word I say?
They ain't the only ones who're bored to tears
Now there must be a better way to educate
'Cause this way ain't workin' like it should
Can't they just invent a pill or frozen concentrate
That makes you smarter and taste, mmm, so good
'Cause hey I gotta know
What I'll have to show
When I hi-hi-ho it from here
Will I be in pain
Or will I have a brain
Or will I go insane, I've gone insay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ane

'Cause hey I gotta know
What I'll have to show
When I hi-hi-ho it from here
Do abc's and 123's
Mean that much to me
That much to me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me

Be cruel to your school
'Cause you may never get another
Be cruel to your school
In the name of rock and roll
Be cruel to your school
Just like a sister or a brother
Be cruel to your school
In the name of rock and roll

Be cruel to your school
'Cause you may never get another
Be cruel to your school
In the name of rock and roll
Be cruel to your school
Just like a sister or a brother
Be cruel to your school
In the name of rock and roll
All right
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2 commentaires
morphee Le 06/09/2024
Je n'ai pas la culture états-unienne suffisante pour en être sûr, mais je pense que le titre fait écho à la chanson des Beach Boys "Be true to your school".
scaracrabe Le 22/11/2024
Et Alice Cooper ne se contente pas de faire les chœurs, c'est même un duo avec Dee Snider que nous avons là. Premier album de Twisted Sister que j'ai découvert quand j'étais ado, pas forcément le meilleur mais il y a de très bons titres. Et l'intro de l'album nous délivre l'un des meilleurs cris de l'histoire du hard Rock.

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