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L. A. proved too much for the man
So he's leavin' the life he's come to know
He said he's goin' back to find
What's left of his world
The world he left behind not so long ago
He's leavin'
On that midnight train to georgia
Said he's goin' back to find
The simpler place and time
I'll be with him
On that midnight train to Georgia
I'd rather live in his world
Than live without him in mine
He kept dreamin'
That someday he'd be a star
But he sho' found out the hard way
That dreams don't always come true
So he's pawned all his hopes
And he even sold his own car
Bought a one-way ticket back
To the life he once knew
Said he's leavin'
On that midnight train to Georgia
Said he's goin' back
To find the simpler place and time
I'm gonna be with him
On that midnight train to Georgia
I'd rather live in his world than live without him in mine
Oh, he's leavin'
On the midnight train to Georgia
Said he's goin' back to find
The simpler place and time
I've got to be with him
On that midnight train to Georgia
I'd rather live in his world
Than live without him in mine
All aboard, all aboard, all aboard
On the midnight train to Georgia
I got to go, I got to go, I got to go
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