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Billy the Kid is coming down to the city singing
Heladihadiho go go
Back in the saddle after being in prison singing
Heladihadiho go go
(Billy the Kid)
Gold on the right and a riffle on the left
The ladies do like him do like him too fast
Girls on the right and a whiskey on the left
The ladies do love him do love him too fast
Make way
In Judy's saloon
Cause Billy the Kid is coming down to see the show
Heladihadiho go go
Heladihadiho go go
Heladihadiho go go
Make way
In Judy's saloon
Cause Billy the Kid is coming down to see the show
Heladihadiho go go
Heladihadiho go go
Let the ladies go go
Oh, Billy, Billy, Billy boy
I had your picture on the wall
Even the sherif was afraid of his roughness singing
Heladihadiho go go
Billy said buddy I need ladies no dollars singing
Heladihadiho go go
(Billy the Kid)
Gold on the right and a riffle on the left
The ladies do like him do like him too fast
Girls on the right and a whiskey on the left
The ladies do love him do love him too fast
Make way
In Judy's saloon
Cause Billy the Kid is coming down to see the show
Heladihadiho go go
Heladihadiho go go
Heladihadiho go go
Make way
In Judy's saloon
Cause Billy the Kid is coming down to see the show
Heladihadiho go go
Heladihadiho go go
Let the ladies go go
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