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Oh allez oop you know I love ya
Allez oop, oop all the time
I've allez oop the farmer's daughter
We allez oop each other fine
Give me a call if you are down
No time at all I'll be around
We can go fast
Or we can go slow
And you can do the allez, allez
With your daddy-o
Allez, allez, allez, allez oop
You're my cup of tea, my bowl of soup
If they told me take a sip of Zine
I would tell them no man
Give me allez, allez all the time
Allez, allez all the day
I can allez in the alley way
Meet your down the Pally and I'll do the
Allez, allez, allez oop
I'd be obliged, if you'd oblige me
An call me up if you're alone
Because there's only, half the pleasure
In allez ooping on your own
See upcoming pop shows
Get tickets for your favorite artists
Give me a call if you are down
No time at all I'll be around
We can go fast
Or we can go slow
And you can do the allez, allez
With your daddy-o-
Allez, allez, allez, allez oop
You're my cup of tea, my bowl of soup
If they told me take a sip of wine
I would tell them no man
Give me allez, allez all the time
Allez, allez all the day
I can allez in the alley way
Meet your down the Pally and I'll do the
Allez, allez, allez oop
Allez, allez, allez, allez oop
You're my cup of tea, my bowl of soup
If they told me take a sip of wine
I would tell them no man
Give me allez, allez all the time
Allez, allez all the day
I can allez in the alley way
Meet your down the Pally and I'll do the
Allez, allez, allez oop
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
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