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I realize I missed a day
But I'm too wrecked to care anyway
I look around and see this face
What the hell have I lost my taste
Don't want to find out
Just want to cut out
My head explodes, my ears ring
I can't remember just where I've been
The last thing that I recall
I got lost in a deep black hole
Don't want to find out
Just want to cut out
I really had a blackout
I really had a blackout
I really had a blackout
I really had a blackout
I grab my things and make my run
On the way out, another one
Would like to know before I stop
Did I make it or did I flop
Don't want to find out
Just want to get out
I really had a blackout
I really had a blackout
I really had a blackout
I really had a blackout
Don't want to find out
Just want to get out
I really had a blackout!
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
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1 commentaire
Flaming YouthLe 29/04/2020
Un classique de Klaus Meine et compagnie. Excellent. \m/ :D \m/
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Un classique de Klaus Meine et compagnie. Excellent. \m/ :D \m/
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