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Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton - Just like a dog (Barking up the wrong tree)

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Titre : Just like a dog (Barking up the wrong tree)

Interprète : Big Mama Thornton

Année : 1957

Auteurs compositeurs : Don Robey, Joey Scott

Durée : 2 m 45 s

Label : Peacock

Référence : 5-1681

Présentation : Le disque original n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée, la photo est celle du disque paru chez El Toro (ET15138).

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Your woman gonna quit you baby
Don't try and come back to me
I said no no no no no no no
That's not the way it's gonna be

I tell you you're just like a dog
barking up wrong tree
A just like an old hound dog
barking up the wrong tree
I'm telling you baby
there's nothing you can do about it

I told you not to leave me
I begged you to stay
You wouldn't listen dad
You had to have things your way

A now you just like a dog
barking up wrong tree
A just like a old hound dog
barking up the wrong tree
I'm telling you dad
there's nothing you can do about me

Yeaaaaaaahhhhh you barking up wrong tree
Big mama gonna put you down
Yeah things are going my way
Yeah I told you. Ahhh yeah

Now you on your knees
Trying to carpet plead
You just a like a old dog
You walking up the wrong tree

Now you just like a dog
barking up the wrong tree
Just like a old hound dog
barking up the wrong tree
I'm telling you daddy
there's nothing you can do about me

Just a like a worm
crawling on the ground
Keep on running daddy
Big mama gonna put you down

Now you just like an old dog
barking up the wrong tree
Just like a old hound dog
barking up the wrong tree
I'm telling you daddy
there's nothing you can do about me

You can bow wow all you want to
but you barking up the wrong tree
You can bow wow all you want to
but you barking up the wrong tree
You can bow wow all you want to
but you barking up the wrong tree (fade)
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