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Kenny Rogers - She believes in me

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Titre : She believes in me

Année : 1978

Auteurs compositeurs : Steve Gibb

Pochette : Bill Burks / Reid Miles

Durée : 4 m 8 s

Label : United Artists Records

Référence : UA-X1273-Y

Présentation : 45 tours extrait de son album "The Gambler".
Adapté en français par Richard Anthony (Elle m'attend ce soir)

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While she lays sleeping,
I stay out late at night and play my songs
And sometimes all the nights can be so long
And it's good when i finally make it home, all alone
While she lays dreaming,
I try to get undressed without the light
And quietly she says: "how was your night?
And i come to her and say: "it was all right.
And i hold her tight

And she believes in me,
I'll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday if she was my girl,
I could change the world
With my little songs… i was wrong!
But she has faith in me,
And so i go on trying faithfully
And who knows, maybe on some special night,
If my song is right
I will find a way, find a way…

While she lays waiting,
I stumble to the kitchen for a bite
Then i see my old guitar in the night
Just waiting for me like a secret friend,
There's no end?
While she lays crying, i fumble with a melody or two
Than i'm torn between the things that i should do
And she says to make her up when i am through,
God! her love is true…

And she believes in me,
I'll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday if she was my girl,
I could change the world
With my little songs, i was wrong
But she has faith in me,
And so i go on trying faithfully
And who knows maybe on some special night,
If my song is right i will find a way, find a way…
While she lays… while she waits for me!
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