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White Noise - Firebird

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Firebird

Année : 1969

Auteurs compositeurs : Derbyshire, Vorhaus

Durée : 3 m 1 s

Label : Island

Référence : ILPS-9099

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By the storm blown down
She'd a broken wing
When I took her in hoping she'd stay

Milk and honey fed
In a feathered bed
She got well and my love flew away

Fly high fly free
I can't hold you down
You're too wild for me

I will search for you
In the nest we knew
But the feathers and straw have gone cold

And at night I dream
You'd come back to me
And your warm body's with me to hold

Fly high fly free
I can't hold you down
You're too wild for me

With the break of dawn
All the dream is gone
And I sink once again to the ground

But I'm just as high
In a rut looking up
As I was on a cloud looking down

Fly high fly free
I can't hold you down
You're too wild for me
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