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Napoleon XIV - Bats in my belfry

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Bats in my belfry

Année : 1966

Auteurs compositeurs : Lehner, Gosh

Durée : 1 m 41 s

Label : Warner Bros.

Référence : W1661

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Bats in my belfry and rain on my roof
Even my teddy bear stays so aloof
Flies that go walking on leashes so long
Even my parakeet wears a sarong
Sometimes I wonder, but mostly I don't
I always say yes but usually I won't
Elephants flying way off to the moon
Even my sundial's stuck at high noon

Signs that say quiet and yo-yos on strings
Ride on the carousel‚ grab the brass rings
Aches that I feel on my window pane
Rolled-up umbrellas are out in the rain
Boxes that herald Please stand in a line
Tarzans are riding on the 6:20 vine
Mostly I end up with egg on my face
I can't keep the bulbs lit in my fireplace

Bats in my belfry‚ polars are bear
Polish the cannon in the town square
We'll all take a ride on my new pogo stick
Here comes the night nurse! Cover up‚ quick!
Thoughts that need thinking like spring has been sprung
Fantasy helps all of us to think young
Everyone knows that penguins go formal
So who's there among us to say who is normal?
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