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Dinah Shore - Hi Lili Hi Lo

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Hi Lili Hi Lo

Année : 1952

Auteurs compositeurs : Helen Deutsch, Bronislaw Kaper

Durée : 2 m 16 s

Label : RCA Victor

Référence : 47-4992

Présentation : Le titre est inclus dans la bande originale du film "Lili" sorti en 1953 avec Leslie Caron.
La chanson a été adaptée en français par Jacques Hélian, "Ma Lili, Hello".

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Hi-lili, hi-lo
Hi-lili, hi-lo
Hi-lili, hi-lili, hi-lo

A song of love is a sad song
Hi-lili, hi-lili, hi-lo
A song of love is a song of woe
Don't ask me how I know
A song of love is a sad song
For I have loved and it's so

I sit at the window and watch the rain
Hi-lili, hi-lili, hi-lo
Tomorrow I'll probably love again
Hi-lili, hi-lili, hi-lo

On every tree there sits a bird
Singing a song of love
On every tree there sits a bird
And every one I ever heard
Could break my heart
Without a word
Singing a song of love

(Hi-lili-lili-lili, lili-lili-lili, lili-lili-lili)

A song of love is a sad song
Hi-lili, hi-lili, hi-lo
A song of love is a song of woe
Don't ask me how I know
A song of love is a sad song
For I have loved and it's so

I sit at the window and watch the rain
Hi-lili, hi-lili, hi-lo
Tomorrow I'll probably love again
Hi-lili, hi-lili
Hi-lili, hi-lili
Hi-lili, hi-lili
Hi-lili, hi-lili
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Trocol Harum Le 09/06/2024

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