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Amy Winehouse - Fuck me Pumps

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Fuck me Pumps

Année : 2003

Auteurs compositeurs : Amy Winehouse - Salaam Remi

Pochette : Charles Moriarty

Durée : 3 m 17 s

Label : Island Records

Référence : 5387159

Présentation : Extrait de "Frank", son premier album.

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When you walk in the bar
And you're dressed like a star
Rockin' your eff me pumps
And a man notice you
With your Gucci bag crew
Can't tell who he's looking to

'Cause you all look the same
Everyone knows your name
And that's your whole claim to fame
Never miss a night
'Cause your dream in life
Is to be a footballer's wife

You don't like players
That's what you say
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire
You don't like ballers
They don't do nothing for ya
But you'd love a rich man six-foot-two or taller

You're more than a fan
Looking for a man
But you end up with one-night stands
He could be your whole life
If you got past one night
But that part never goes right

In the morning, you're vexed
He's on to the next
And you didn't even get no text
Don't be too upset
If they call you a sket
'Cause like the news, every day you get pressed

You don't like players
That's what you say
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire
All them big ballers
Don't do nothing for ya
But you'd love a rich man six-foot-two or taller

You can't sit down right
'Cause your jeans are too tight
And you lucky it's ladies' night
With your big empty purse
Every week it gets worse
At least your breast cost more than hers

So you did Miami
'Cause you got there for free
But somehow you missed the plane
You did too much E
Met somebody
And spent the night getting caned

Without girls like you, there'd be no fun
We'd go to the club and not see anyone
Without girls like you, there's no nightlife
All those men just go home to their wives

Don't be mad at me
'Cause you're pushing thirty
And your old tricks no longer work
You should have known from the jump
That you always get dumped
So dust off your fuck me pumps
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