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Delaney and Bonnie - Dirty old man

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Titre : Dirty old man

Année : 1969

Auteurs compositeurs : D. Bramlett, M. Davis

Pochette : Barry Feinstein

Durée : 2 m 29 s

Label : Elektra

Référence : EKS 74039

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Baby don't you cry
Don't you cry and hold my hand
Baby don't you cry
Don't you cry and hold my hand

You should have listen to your mama
He ain't the kind you want
The lying spend his last dime on a jug of wine
He's just a dirty old man

Donna listen here
He ain't the kind to understand
Oh, darling listen here
He ain't the kind to understand

Well, you know I tried to tell you
You should known that he be going
Leaving you alone just weep and moan
He's just a dirty old man

Well honey I told you, long time ago
Now, if you just admit it your gonna be fine
He was always taking never giving
Always looking at all the other women
Now I said child, why won't you ever ever learn, oh yeah

Baby, baby, ba-baby don't cry
Don't you cry and hold my hand
Baby don't you cry
Don't you cry and hold my hand

You should have listen to your mama
He ain't the kind you want
The lying spend his last dime on a jug of wine
He's just a dirty old man

A dirty old man
You'll understand
Just a dirty old man
He's a dirty old man
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