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Bread - Make it with you

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Make it with you

Année : 1970

Auteurs compositeurs : David Gates

Durée : 3 m 9 s

Label : Elektra

Référence : INT. 80248

Présentation : Leur tube principal, issu de l'album "On the Waters"

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Make it with you
Hey have you ever tried
Really reaching out for the other side?
I may be climbing on rainbows
But, baby here goes

Dreams they're for those who sleep
Life is for us to keep
And if you're wond'ring
What this song is leading to

I want to make it with you
I really think that we can make it girl

No, you don't know me well
In ev'ry little thing only time will tell
If you believe the things that I do
And we'll see it through

Life can be short or long
Love can be right or wrong
And if I choose the one
I'd like to help me through
I'd like to make it with you
I really think that we can make it girl

Baby you know that
Dreams they're for those who sleep
Life is for us to keep
And if I choose the one
I'd like to help me through
I'd like to make it with you
I really think that we can make it girl
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