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The Blossom - Son-in-law

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Son-in-law

Année : 1961

Auteurs compositeurs : Dave Burgess, Jerry Fuller

Durée : 2 m 1 s

Label : Challenge

Référence : 9109

Présentation : Réponse de la belle-mère à son gendre suite à la chanson d'Ernie K-Doe, "Mother-in-law".

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I'm the mother-in-law
I sure am mad
The things said about me
Have all been bad
All he did was
Make my daughter sad
My no-good son-in-law

He's gone all night
And he's got no job
Won'tcomb his hair
He's such a slob
Could find him on the corner
With the rest of the mob
My no good son-n-law

He sees another woman on the sly
When he said he loved
My daughter, how he lied
He's got no money or anything
Now the other day, he even
Hocked her wedding ring

He eats so muche
That we've got no food
He's got no friends
Cause he's so rude
I just can't stand his attitude
My no good son-in-law

He sees another woman on the sly
When he said he loved
My daughter, how he lied
He's got no money or anything
Now the other day, he even
Hocked her wedding ring

He eats so muche
That we've got no food
He's got no friends
Cause he's so rude
I just can't stand his attitude
My no good son-in-law

That bum
(That no good son-in-law)
Better find a job
(That no good son-in-law)
Can't see why ever she married me
(That no good son-in-law)
She oughta put him out, that's what
(That no good son-in-law)
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 17/03/2024
La chanson "Mother in law" de Ernie K-Doe a été popularisée par Herman's Hermits. Elle a été adaptée en français par Frankie Jordan, par Rocky Volcano et par Richard Anthony. Les Blossoms ont interprété la réponse de la belle-mère à son gendre avec "Son-in-law".

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