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Herman's Hermits - Mother-in-law

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Mother-in-law

Année : 1964

Auteurs compositeurs : Toussaint

Durée : 2 m 21 s

Label : Columbia

Référence : SEG 8330

Présentation : Reprise de la chanson d'Ernie K-Doe.

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The worst person I know Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
She worries me so Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
If she leaves us alone we would have a happy home
Sent from down below Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law

I come home with my pay Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
She AX me what I MADE Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
She thinks her advice is a constribution but
If she will leave that will be the solution
And don't come back no more Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law

SATAN (Sin) should be her name Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
To me there about the same Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
Every time I open my mouth She steps in and tries to put me out
How could she stoop so low Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
Mother-In-Law Mother-In-Law
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 17/03/2024
La chanson "Mother in law" de Ernie K-Doe a été popularisée par Herman's Hermits. Elle a été adaptée en français par Frankie Jordan, par Rocky Volcano et par Richard Anthony. Les Blossoms ont interprété la réponse de la belle-mère à son gendre avec "Son-in-law".

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