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David Jones - Maybe because I'm a Londoner

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Titre : Maybe because I'm a Londoner

Année : 1965

Auteurs compositeurs : Gregg

Durée : 2 m 7 s

Label : Colpix

Référence : CP-493

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Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
That I love London so
Well, maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
That I think of her wherever I go

I get a funny feeling inside of me
While walking up and down
Well, maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
That I love the London town

Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
That I love London so
Well, maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
That I think of her wherever I go

I get a funny feeling inside of me
Whilе walking up and down
Well, maybe it's becausе I'm a Londoner
That I love the London town

“When I'm away from London, I can't help thinking of some of my favorite places. Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, and late at night, the fog that settles softly over London Bridge.â€

I get a funny feeling inside of me
While walking up and down
Well, maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
That I love the London town
That I love London town
That I love the London town
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