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Snow is falling
all around me
children playing
having fun
it's the season
love and understanding
merry christmas everyone
time for parties and celebration
people dancing all night long
time for presents
and exchanging kisses
time for singing christmas songs
we're gonna have a party tonight
i'm gonna find that girl underneath the misteltoe,
we'll kissed by candlelight
Room is swaying, records playing
All the old songs, we love to hear
All I wish that everyday was christmas
What a nice way to spend the year
We're gonna have a party tonight
I'm gonna find that girl
Underneath the mistletoe, we'll kiss by candlelight
Snow is fallin, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone
Merry christmas everyone
Oah merry cristmas everyone
Snow is falling, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone
Snow is falling, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone
Snow is falling, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season, love and understanding
Merry christmas everyone
Merry christmas everyone
Merry christmas everyone
merci Keltia!
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Wow, ça bouge bien ! Il a fait d'autres choses, le monsieur ?
Oui, il est très connu outre Manche. Il a une bonne dizaine de titres classés dans les charts anglais à son actif. C'est d'ailleurs lui qui a fait la version originale anglaise de "Oh Julie", chanté par C Jérôme.
Son titre le plus connu en France est "You drive me crazy" en 1981".
Jolies bottes en tout cas!!
Il a fait un autre tube: "Cry just a little bit", en 83 si je ne m'abuse…
Il y a la chanson de noel de Slade dans la PList ?
*ça* c'est du bon vieux brit-trash comme il faut !!
Le clip : http://video.google.fr/videoplay?docid=47453931428…
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