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Hey there
Look in the mirror
Are you afraid you might see me looking at you
Waiting, waiting at windows
Oh it's me that you need
Yes it's me and I'm waiting for you
But I remain silent
Oh I won't say a word
I leave you to realise I'm the light in your world
And it's me, yes it's me, yes it's me, yes it's me
That you're needing
It's me, yes it's me, yes it's me, yes it's me
That you need
Yes it's me, yes it's me, yes it's me
If you want to be living
I'm the one who's forgiving
Admit that it's me that you need
Watching, watching the swallows fly
It all means the same
Just like them
You can fly home again
But don't, no don't forget yesterday
Pride is an ugly word girl
And you still know my name
But I remain silent
Oh I won't say a word
I leave you to realise I'm the light in your world
And it's me, yes it's me, yes it's me, yes it's me
That you're needing
It's me, yes it's me, yes it's me, yes it's me
That you need
Yes it's me, yes it's me, yes it's me
If you want to be living
I'm the one who's forgiving
Admit that it's me that you need
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