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Tony Joe White - High sheriff (of Calhoun Parrish)

Voir du même artiste

Titre : High sheriff (of Calhoun Parrish)

Année : 1970

Auteurs compositeurs : Tony Joe White

Durée : 3 m 47 s

Label : Monument

Référence : MN 1193

Présentation : Adapté en français par Joe Dassin, "La fille du shérif.

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It was said of the sheriff to Calhoun Parish
Not to ever touch his daughter Emily
For to look at her with lustful eyes was certain
To get you a time in the penitentiary

It was true, she was quite voluptuous
And it was true, she had eyes for me
Then one night at a dance she walked up to me
And ask me would I meet her down by the creek

As I listened to her dangerous proposal
I thought about the high sheriff catching me
As I shook my head and quietly left the party
I heard her laugh and say, "You'll be sorry"

Then there came upon my door a loud disturbance
I opened it to the sheriff and his deputy
He said, "Son, did you molest my daughter?"
I said, "Sheriff, I do not know of what you speak"

Then he grabbed me roughly by the collar
And he flung me sprawling out into the street
There were days in the jail with claustrophobia
And all on account of that wench Emily

Well, I finally worked a bar loose from the window
And made my way into the woods of Calhoun
Late that night I came upon a cabin
It was the home of Harham Cross, a friend I knew

Would you all mind if I sat down at your table
'Cause it's been a while since I've had time to eat
And I'll pay y'all back when I'm able
But right now the high sheriff is after me

You see
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