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Patty Loveless - Rise up Lazarus

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Titre : Rise up Lazarus

Année : 2001

Auteurs compositeurs : Emory Gordy Jr, Patty Loveless

Durée : 2 m 23 s

Label : Epic

Référence : EK 85651

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Rise up, Lazarus, rise up from the dust
If in Jesus you believe, you shall be released
Go forth, John and Paul, spread the Gospel to them all
Give them courage to believe and they shall be released

[Verse 1]
Now Jesus went to Bethany in answer to an urgent plea
Two sisters fell down at his feet, they began to cry and weep
They led Him to their brother's grave, Jesus knelt to God and prayed

Rise up, Lazarus, rise up from the dust
If in Jesus you believe, you shall be released
Go forth, John and Paul, spread the Gospel to them all
Give them courage to believe and they shall be released

[Verse 2]
Now doubters who had not believed spread the word of what they'd seen
Then they began to congregate, first two to four, then four to eight
God watched the faithful multiply as they echoed Jesus' cry

Rise up, Lazarus, rise up from the dust
If in Jesus you believe, you shall be released
Go forth, John and Paul, spread the Gospel to them all
Give them courage to believe and they shall be released

[Verse 3]
Now all us children here on Earth sometimes doubt our worldly worth
But if in Jesus you do trust, you will rise like Lazarus
So if you're feelin' down and out, open up your heart and shout

Rise up, Lazarus, rise up from the dust
If in Jesus you believe, you shall be released
Go forth, John and Paul, spread the Gospel to them all
Give them courage to believe and they shall be released

Give them courage to believe and they shall be released
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1 commentaire
Hilaneste Lefurion Le 15/06/2023
ça sent le Mississipi et les alligators, ce truc ! :)

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