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Short and pale and old and lovely
The gal from Possum Holler goes walking
And when she passes, each guy she passes goes 'bleugh'
When she walks and you see her from the back
It looks like two pigs fighting in a 'tater sack
And when she passes, each guy she passes goes 'bleugh'
She ain't no dream, she's a nightmare
How can she be so round but so darn square
How? You can have all of my share
Why, I told her you thought she was cute
How would you like a rap in the snoot?
Big and broad and bald and bulgy
The gal from Possum Holler goes walking
And when she's walking, I'm feared she's eyeballing me
Oh, how that female can bug me
I'd die if I thought that she dug me
She's got such an excess of ugly
That everyday when she walks to the creek
Why, even the catfish get sick
Large and loud and limp and lazy
The gal from Possum Holler's gone crazy
And here's the part that'll start you slapping you knees
Oh no, it can't be
She's crazy for me
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