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Judas Priest - You've got another thing comin'

Voir du même artiste

Titre : You've got another thing comin'

Année : 1982

Auteurs compositeurs : Glenn Tipton - K. K. Downing - Rob Halford

Pochette : Steve Joester / Doug Johnson

Durée : 5 m 10 s

Label : CBS

Référence : CBSA 2611

Présentation : Extrait de leur album "Screaming for Vengeance".

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Hold life I'm gonna live it up
I'm taking flight, I said I'll never get enough
Stand tall, I'm young and kinda proud
I'm on the top as long as the music's loud

If you think I'll sit around as the world goes by
You're thinking like a fool, cause it's a case of do or die
Out there is a fortune waiting to be had
If you think I'll let it go, you're mad
You've got another thing coming

You've got another thing coming

That's right, here's where the talking ends
Well listen this night there'll be some action spent
Drive hard, calling all the shots
I've got an ace card coming down on the rocks

If you think I'll sit around while they chip away my brain
Listen, I ain't fooling, and you'd better think again
Out there is a fortune waiting to be had
You think I'll let it go, you're mad
You've got another thing coming

You've got another thing coming
You've got another thing coming

In this world we're living in we have our share of sorrows
The answer now is don't give in
Aim for a new tomorrow

Oh so hot, no time to take a rest, yeah
Act tough ain't room for second best
Real strong, got me some security
Hey I'm a big smash, I'm going for infinity, yeah

If you think I'll sit around as the world goes by
You're thinking like a fool, cause it's a case of do or die
Out there is a fortune waiting to be had
You think I'll let it go, you're mad
You've got another thing coming
You've got another thing comin
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