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Tina Turner - Typical Male

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Typical Male

Année : 1986

Auteurs compositeurs : Graham Lyle - Terry Britten

Pochette : 2014057 / Stylorouge

Durée : 4 m 15 s

Label : Capitol Records

Référence : 2014057

Présentation : 45 tours extrait de l'album "Break every rule".
Classé au Top 50 français.

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ell me lawyer what to do
I think I'm falling in love with you
Defend me, from the way I feel
Won't you give me some advice?
On how to handle my private life
I'm sure that we can make a deal

I confess I'm a fool for a man
With a clever mind
But your intellect ain't no match
For this heart of mine

All I want is a little reaction
Just enough to tip the scales
I'm just using my female attraction
On a typical male, on a typical male

Your sense of justice I'll embrace
But your defense don't help my case
I'm deep in trouble with the law
Something about authority
Seems to bring out the bad in me
Hey lawyer, gotta catch me when I fall

Oh, they say that you match your wits
With the best of them
But I know when I'm close you're just
Like the rest of them

All I want is a little reaction
Just enough to tip the scales
I'm just using my female attraction
On a typical male, on a typical male

So put your books aside
Loosen off the suit and tie
Open off your heart and let me in, ooh
Open off your heart and let me in

All I want is a little reaction
Just enough to tip the scales
I'm just using my female attraction
On a typical male, on a typical male
A little reaction
I'm just using my female attraction
On a typical male, on a typical
All I want is a little reaction
Just enough to tip the scales
I'm just using my female attraction
On a typical male, on a typical
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morphee Le 18/01/2024

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