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Sittin' by my window
And I was looking out at the rain
Sittin' by my window, babe
And I was sitting down, looking out at the rain
You know something struck me
Clamped on to me just like, just like a ball and chain
I said oh, oh baby
Why do you wanna do all these mean things to me?
I said oh, oh baby, why do you wanna do
Why do you wanna do all these things to me?
Because you know I love you
And I'm so sick and tired, so sick and tired of being in misery
Hey Hey, ball and chain
I know you're gonna miss me, baby
Oh yes you're going to miss all those sweet things
Oh yes, I know you're gonna miss me baby
Oh I know you're going to miss all those sweet things
And then you'll find that your whole life will be like mine
Oh Lord, wrapped up like a ball and chain
I said oh, oh baby
Why do you wanna do all these mean things to me?
I said oh, oh baby
Why do you wanna do all these mean things to me?
I know my love for you will last forever
It's gonna last, I said it's gonna last
Oh good God almighty
For eternity
Oh yeah
All in vain…
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