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Jeff Beck - Hi ho silver lining

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Titre : Hi ho silver lining

Année : 1967

Auteurs compositeurs : Scott English, Laurence Weiss

Durée : 2 m 49 s

Label : Columbia

Référence : C 23 502

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You're everywhere and nowhere baby, that's where you're at
Going down a bumpy hillside in your hippy hat
Flying across the country and getting fat
Saying everything is groovy when your tires are flat

And it's high ho silver lining
And away you go, now baby
I see your sun is shining
But I won't make a fuss, though it's obvious

Flies are in your pea soup baby, they're waving at me
Anything you want is yours now, only nothing's for free
Lies are gonna get you someday, just wait and see
So open up your beach umbrella while you're watching TV

And it's high ho silver lining
And away you go, well baby
I see your sun is shining
But I won't make a fuss, though it's obvious

And it's high ho silver lining
And away you go, well baby
I see your sun is shining
But I won't make a fuss, though it's obvious

And it's high ho silver lining
And away you go, well baby
I see your sun is shining
But I won't make a fuss, though it's obvious

And it's high ho silver lining
And away you go, well baby
I see your sun is shining
But I won't make a fuss, though it's obvious
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2 commentaires
Trocol Harum Le 12/01/2023
Le titre est inclus dans la bande originale du film "The boat that rocked" ("Good morning England"), film germano-franco-britannique écrit et réalisé par Richard Curtis, sorti en 2009, et largement inspiré de l'histoire de la radio libre "Radio Caroline".

morphee Le 12/01/2023
La face B "Beck's Bolero" (dont la paternité est disputée avec Jimmy Page) est de très haute facture. On le trouve également sur l'album "Truth".

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