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Sweet was my Rose in the light of the rising sun
Never forget her, gave her life for everyone
Sweet was my Rose in the light of the rising sun
Never forget her, gave her life for everyone
On the day that I recall was a bright and sunny dawn
And we hadn't seen a yankee since a week
Before the summer storm
So, mother said to sister Rose:
I guess, it's safe to take a horse
Get out and try to find your Dad and uncle Ben
Though I protested, she said:
Hush your mouth! Your sister's going! You're too young!
She rose out and I never saw my sister Rose again
Well, as I hear tell that fateful morn
She rose to Shannon Creek
To make enquiries after Pa and uncle Ben
And from there she rose to Shannon Valley and from afar
She saw Pa and uncle Ben looked less alive than dead!
There was Pa with his arms awaving to warn her
But too late them damn yankees caught her
Rose was shouting: Get out Pa and save your own skin
Well, Rose, she was never seen again
And Pa's made up a kinda headstone 'round the back of the house
I took it upon myself to carve this inscription
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Alors, celle-ci, je ne l'ai découverte que vers 1995 dans une compil de slows intitulée "Carré Blanc" et je rends compte du contraste entre le côté tragique du texte et la joliesse de la mélodie
Encore une magnifique chanson des 70s'.
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