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Tirk Wilder - The eyes of the Ranger

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Titre : The eyes of the Ranger

Année : 1993

Auteurs compositeurs : Tirk Wilder

Durée : 2 m 57 s

Label : Not On Label

Référence : TW2000

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[Verse 1]
In the eyes of the ranger, the unsuspecting stranger
Had better know the truth of wrong from right
For the rule of law and order starts at the Texas border
With the lone star of the ranger shining bright

The eyes of the ranger are upon you
Any wrong you do he's gonna see
When you're in Texas look behind you
And that's where the ranger's gonna be

[Verse 2]
In the heart of the ranger, he never knows the danger
Of desperate men with nothing left to lose
He's right and keeps a-coming, there ain't no sense in running
'Cause he's bound and sure to make you pay your dues

[Verse 3]
He's always on the trail, he don't know how to fail
And you can't buy him off at any price
So if you decide to ramble, and with your life you'll gamble
Know where you are before you roll the dice

For the eyes of the ranger are upon you
Any wrong you do he's gonna see
When you're in Texas look behind you
And that's where the ranger's gonna be

The eyes of the ranger are upon you
Any wrong you do he's gonna see
When you're in Texas look behind you
And that's where the ranger's gonna be

Yeah that's where the ranger's gonna be
That's where the ranger's gonna be
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Trocol Harum Le 01/12/2022
Chanson de la série télévisée Walker Texas Ranger.

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