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REO Speedwagon - Can't fight this feeling

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Can't fight this feeling

Année : 1984

Auteurs compositeurs : Kevin Cronin

Pochette : Randee St. Nicholas / John Kosh

Durée : 4 m 57 s

Label : Epic

Référence : EPC 26137

Présentation : Extrait de " Wheels are turnin' ", n°1 aux Etats-Unis mais non classé en France

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Oh, I can't fight this feeling any longer
And yet, I'm still afraid to let it flow
What started out as friendship has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever
I said there is no reason for my fear
'Cause I feel so secure when we're together
You give my life direction
You make everything so clear

And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars forever

'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
I've been running round in circles in my mind
And it always seems that I'm following you, girl
'Cause you take me to the places
That, alone, I'd never find

And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars forever

'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore
Oh, oh
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1 commentaire
morphee Le 11/11/2022
Sûrement l'un des titres les plus programmés aux États-Unis et ailleurs depuis 40 ans, je trouve cette "power ballad" particulièrement "puissante" et très efficace.

Un clip (qui est en fait le second) réalisé par John Jopson :

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