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Portishead - The Rip

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Titre : The Rip

Année : 2008

Auteurs compositeurs : Adrian Utley - Beth Gibbons - Barrow

Pochette : Marc Bessant

Durée : 4 m 29 s

Label : Island Records

Référence : 1766400

Présentation : Extrait de "Third", leur troisième album.

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As she walks in the room scented and tall
Hesitating once more
And as I take on myself and the bitterness I felt
Realize that love flows

Wild… white horses
They will take me away
And the tenderness I feel
Will send the dark underneath
Will I follow?

Through the glory of life I will scatter on the floor
Disappointed and sore
And in my thoughts I have bled for the riddles I've been fed
Another lie moves over

Wild… white horses
They will take me away
And the tenderness I feel
Will send the dark underneath
Will I follow?

Wild… white horses
They will take me away
And the tenderness I feel
Will send the dark underneath
Will I follow?
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