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Hey boy
Watcha look at?
'Cause I got these short legs
And a funny hat
Now listen here
This ain't no crime
And I'm wasting
No more time
I do these things
Make me feel good
And you would, too
If only you could
You know one thing
Goes around in your brain
That's why I stare at people
Getting off the train
You blow your whistle
Somebody blows theirs
All they get from you
Are fares and stares
Your uniform is shiny
At the knees
Your cheeks go red
If somebody sees
Hey, listen, boy
Don't waste my time
Hey, you know what I mean, boy?
Hey, hey, Lucifer
Your tail's hanging out
You want me to believe you
A boy scout
I ain't no fool
I see you right away
To you I ain't got
Two words to say
Hey, listen, boy
Don't waste my time
You know what I mean, boy?
Hey, boy
Hey, boy
Don't waste my time
Don't waste my time
Lucifer, your tail's hanging out
You want me to believe you
A boy scout
I ain't no fool
I see you right away
To you I ain't got
Two words to say
You blow your whistle
Somebody blows theirs
All they get from you
Are fares and stares
Your uniform is shiny
At the knees
Your cheeks go red
If somebody sees
Hey, listen, boy
In Afrika, they know how to treat you
They [?]
In Afrika, they know how to treat you
You blow your whistle
Somebody blows theirs
All they get from you
Are fares and stares
Your uniform is shiny
At the knees
Your cheeks go red
If somebody sees
Hey, listen, boy
Don't waste my time
You blow your whistle
Somebody blows theirs
All they get from you
Are fares and stares
Your uniform is shiny
At the knees
Your cheeks go red
If somebody sees
You blow your whistle
Somebody blows theirs
All they get from you
Are fares and stares
Your uniform is shiny
At the knees
Your cheeks go red
If somebody sees
You blow your whistle
Somebody blows theirs
All they get from you
Are fares and stares
Your uniform is shiny
At the knees
Your cheeks go red
If somebody sees
You blow your whistle
Somebody blows theirs
You blow your whistle
Hey, boy
All they get from you
Are fares and stares
Your uniform is shiny
At the knees
Your cheeks go red
If somebody sees
You blow your whistle
Somebody blows theirs
All they get from you
Are fares and stares
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Le titre est inclus dans la bande originale du film "Spud", paru en 2010, et réalisé par Donovan Marsh, avec Troye Sivan, John Cleese, Tanit Phoenix et Charlbi Dean.
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