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This is the last time
I'll look across this table
And try to face a feeling I don't even recognize
This is a sad hand
That reached across and touched you
When all we'd built around us came crashing to the ground
There was a tide turning
Somewhere deep inside us
When all these years together seem lost behind my tears
Oh there were good times
But in between the dog days
I felt the pain of rumour whisper in my ears
But I still tried to love you
I still tried to care
Still tried to hold on with the power of my prayers
But you can't fight the rumour
You can't argue with you heart, no
Once the rumour spreads, once the rumour spreads
Once the rumour spreads, the truth is just a thing of the past
As the rain falls
I listen to the radio
And try to memorize the words to "Georgia On My Mind"
But we're no old song
We never stood the test of time
The lies inside the rumour left trust so far behind
But I still tried to love you
I still tried to care
Still tried to hold on with the power of my prayers
But you can't fight the rumour
You can't argue with you heart, no
Once the rumour spreads, once the rumour spreads
Once the rumour spreads, the truth is just a thing of the past
And when we say goodbye
Be sure to look me in the eye
And know the real secret
Was the thing we didn't have to hide
But I still tried to love you
I still tried to care
Still tried to hold on with the power of my prayers
But you can't fight the rumour
You can't argue with you heart, no
Once the rumour spreads, once the rumour spreads
Once the rumour spreads, the truth is just a thing of the past
Once the rumour spreads, once the rumour spreads
The truth is just a thing of, it's just a thing of
The truth is just a thing of the past
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1 commentaire
cherrysalsaLe 12/01/2024
Je me disais :
"Tiens, c'est rigolo, on dirait la voix d'Elton John en seconde voix et dans les chœurs".
En regardant la fiche, ensuite, de la chanson, on se dit "Bingo", et l'on comprend mieux.
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !
Je me disais :
"Tiens, c'est rigolo, on dirait la voix d'Elton John en seconde voix et dans les chœurs".
En regardant la fiche, ensuite, de la chanson, on se dit "Bingo", et l'on comprend mieux.
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !