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The Hives - Hate to say I told you so

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Hate to say I told you so

Année : 2000

Auteurs compositeurs : Randy Fitzsimmons

Pochette : Jonas Gauffin

Durée : 3 m 19 s

Label : Burning Heart Records

Référence : BHR 107-1

Présentation : Extrait de "Veni Vidi Vicious", 2ème album de ce groupe suédois.

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Do what I want 'cause I can and if I don't, because I wanna
Be ignored by the stiff and the bored, because I'm gonna
Spit and retrieve 'cause I give and receive, because I wanna
Gonna get through your head, what the mystery man said, because I'm gonna
Hate to say I told you so, all right!
Come on!
Do believe I told you so
Now it's all out and you know
'Cause I wanted to!
Turn my back on the rot that's been planning the plot, because I'm gonna
No need for me to wait, because I wanna
No need 2, 3, too late, because I'm gonna
Hate to say I told you so, all right!
Come on!
Do believe I told you so
Do what I please, gonna spread the disease, because I wanna
Gonna call all the shots for the no's and the not's, because I wanna
Ask me once I'll answer twice
'Cause what I know I'll tell, because I wanna
Sound advice and lots of ice, I'll spell my name out loud, because I wanna
Oh, yeah
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cherrysalsa Le 28/09/2023
Le clip vidéo de ce titre bien énervé à l'énergie électrique :

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