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Spiritualized - Do it all over again

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Do it all over again

Année : 2001

Auteurs compositeurs : Jason Pierce (aka J. Spaceman)

Pochette : Don Brown

Durée : 3 m 45 s

Label : Spaceman Records

Référence : OPM001CD

Présentation : Extrait de l'album "Let it come down".

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You gotta hope for the best and the best looks good now baby
and I don't think a few words of sympathy will make your world go round
I'm sitting here looking at the TV burning holes in everything that I get
You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

I love you like I love the sun in the morning
But I don't think a few words of mine are gonna make you change your mind
I'm gonna spend the day in bed and I'm planning on sleeping my life away
You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You've gotta hope for the best and the best looks great now baby
and I don't think a few words of mine are gonna make your world go round
I'm sitting here looking at the TV burning holes in everything that I get
You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You'd better come right down and do it all over again.

You'd better come right down and do it all over again.
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1 commentaire
morphee Le 30/06/2022
Chanson qui est un excellent remède anti-coup de blues; on sent bien l'influence de Phil Spector chez Jason Pierce, l'homme à tout faire de ce groupe de Rugby (la ville).

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