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I've been waiting
I've been searching
Step front to ask our neighbors a tattoo
You've been lonely
You feel hurt and step front to ask our neighbors a tattoo
I've seen that same look in your eyes before
It ain't good for you, it ain't good for me
It ain't good for nobody else
Lord knows I've done my share, plus a whole lot more
Now you're through with me, but I'll stay true to you
You see, I ain't got nobody else
And time flies, you'd better not let it run away from you
You'll never get it back now, so take me back now
Can't you see, I ain't got nothing left
Baby, but you?
You, you
You'll never get it back now, so take me back now
Can't you see, I ain't got nothing left?
Baby, it's true
True, so true
You'll never get it back now, so take me back now
Can't you see, I ain't got nothing left
Baby, but you?
Can't stop thinking about the moment you walked out that door
Wasn't good for me, wasn't good for you
Wasn't good for nobody else
And Lord knows I've done my share
But Lord also knows that you don't care
He told me watch your step and, uh, hold the line
Can't you see you're wasting your time?
I've been waiting
I've been searching
Step front to ask our neighbors a tattoo
You've been lonely
You feel hurt and step front to ask our neighbors a tattoo
Can't you see, I ain't got nothing left
Baby, but you?
You, you
You'll never get it back now, so take me back now
Can't you see, I ain't got nothing left?
Baby, it's true
True, so true
You'll never get it back now, so take me back now
Can't you see, I ain't got nothing left
Baby, but you?
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