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Probot - Shake your blood

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Titre : Shake your blood

Année : 2004

Auteurs compositeurs : Lemmy Kilmister - Dave Grohl

Pochette : Stephen O'Malley / AWAY

Durée : 2 m 59 s

Label : Southern Lord

Référence : sunn30LP

Présentation : PROBOT est un projet heavy metal de Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters) avec divers artistes qu'il admirait depuis longtemps. Bref, un rêve de gosse qui se réalise grâce à sa propre notoriété.

Il joue la quasi totalité des instruments, sauf sur ce morceau, collaboration avec Lemmy Kilmister oblige, la basse est du maître.

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Looking for relief in your miserable life
You need some rock and roll
And you better get it right
Got to roll them bones,
Do everything they say
If you're cool, you're the fool.
Make it work everyday.

Rock out, do you quick
My, my, my, let it rip
Rock out, feeling good.
Break your heart. Shake your blood.

Out upon the stage, crowd is going wild,
Love to see them women, babe
I ain't in denial.
Make you crazy too.
Make you show it out.
Feeling good, get some wood
You should, You knew you could

Rock out, do it now
My, my, my, show me how
Rock out, make it good.
Break your heart. Shake your blood

Want to be a winner, want to be the man.
Want to make yourself insane, join up with the band
Want to fall in love, want to make your mark
Want to get out in the storm, want to break a thousand hearts

Rock out, strike it rich
My, my, my, it's a bitch
Rock out, I knew you could
Break your heart. Shake your blood

Rock out, don't you stop
My, my, my, ride the rock
Rock out, ain't so good
Break your heart. Shake your blood
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2 commentaires
Le Sapin Sobre Le 27/06/2022
Je ne saurais trop recommander l'intégralité de cet album, avec un focus sur "Silent Spring" ou "Red War".
Dam-Dam Le 02/10/2024
The lyrics : [thanks !]

The clip :

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