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Spencer & Spencer - Russian Band Stand

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Titre : Russian Band Stand

Année : 1959

Auteurs compositeurs : Spencer-Spencer

Durée : 1 m 46 s

Label : Argo

Référence : 5331

Présentation : Sur ce disque, Spencer & Spencer (Dickie Goodman et Mickey Shorr) sont accompagnés par The Sonia Prior Choir.

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Welcome to Russian Band Stand
Dis is your host, Nikita Clarkchev
In Russia almost everybody watches Russian Band Stand
[Machine gun fire]
Now everybody watches Russian Band Stand!
Heh, heh, heh

Next is number one song in Russia
[Gibberish Russian song]
(But we don't like that song!)
You got to like that song, it's number one song!
(But we don't like…)
[Machine gun fire]

Who else doesn't like that song?
(I don't like…)
[Machine gun fire]
(… any… other… song)
Too late, comrade!

Now, anybody else don't like?
(We like that song)
All right, now a word from our sponsor
You better listen!

Play that stroganoff, new schwachling cigarette
Each cigarette two puffs
That's all you got time for
Work twenty two hours a day, so cline
Is only cigarette with microphone filter
So be careful comrade, secret police are listening
Is only cigarette I smoke, right Comrade Mamarelichev?
Right, is only cigarette you can buy

Next on Russian Band Stand is country's number one singing star, Nikita Presleychev
What are you going to sing, Nikita?
[Gibberish Russian song]
No, that's wrong song
[Machine gun fire]
Tomorrow we have new number one singing star
Tomorrow we have new number one song

Hey comrade, we are secret police
Tomorrow we have new host on Russian Band Stand

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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1 commentaire
Dam-Dam Le 26/06/2022
The lyrics :


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