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Ruth Wallis - The dinghy song

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Titre : The dinghy song

Année : 1948

Auteurs compositeurs : R. Wallis

Durée : 2 m 47 s

Label : Wallis Original Records Corp.

Référence : W2 LP

Présentation : Le disque original n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée, le photographie est celle du disque paru chez DeLuxe, sous la référence EP 215, en 1953.

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Sailing, sailing, over the ocean blue
Davy's got a dinghy, so he paddles his own canoe

He's got the cutest little dinghy in the Navy
And all the girlies know that it's so
The cutest little dinghy in the Navy
They love to watch him go "Heave ho!"
Just for a lark, he went and painted it green
It's the only green dinghy that the girls have ever seen
The cutest little dinghy in the Navy. Heave ho! Heave ho!

Now, other sailors take their girls canoein'
It's an old, old, navy technique
But Davy gets more girlies with his dinghy
And what is more, it never springs a leak
Every time it rains, his little dingy gets wet
But Davy says it's waterproof, so he doesn't fret
The cutest little dinghy in the navy. Heave ho! Heave ho!

Now I have seen a hundred other dinghies
And I'm qualified to remark
He's got the cutest little dinghy in the Navy
Why, I would know it even in the dark
It isn't very long and it isn't very short
It's built for speedy action and it gets him into port
The cutest little dinghy in the Navy. Heave ho! Heave ho!

It isn't very narrow and it isn't very wide
But you should see that thing go in and out with the tide
The cutest little dinghy in the Navy. Heave ho! Heave ho!

To keep it from the girls, Davy says, is very hard
Why, it isn't even safe down at the Navy Yard
The cutest little dinghy in the Navy. Heave ho! Heave ho!

The Admiral has a flagship and the Captain's got a cruiser;
But Davy's got a dinghy, it's a lollapalooza!
The cutest little dinghy in the Navy
And the old Admiral is heard to say:
If he had Davy's dinghy, he would always feel springy
He'd ride the waves night and day!

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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3 commentaires
Trocol Harum Le 12/06/2022
Ruth Wallis est née Ruth Shirley Wohl, le 5 janvier 1920 à Brooklyn et est décédée le 22 décembre 2007 à Killingly dans le Connecticut. Elle a commencé sa carrière comme chanteuse de jazz mais c'est très vite orientée vers le cabaret et la chanson satyrique ou à double sens.
Son premier succès a été "Dear Mr Godfrey". Elle a aussi interprété "Man, it's a jungle" ou "Queer things".
Hilaneste Lefurion Le 12/06/2022
On entendrait pas un air de Mike Oldfield (blue peter) au tout début de la chanson ?
Dam-Dam Le 12/06/2022
The lyrics : [thanks !]

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