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Everybody's telling you what you wanna hear
So how you gonna know what's fake and what's real
Who's gonna tell you things ain't so great
When your so-called friends won't tell it to your face
Fair weather, foul weather every kind of mood
I'll be there for you standing like a tower of truth
Who's gonna get you through the sum of all fears
When the world is crumbling around your ears
When the lights go out
Will you face the dark alone?
Or will you call my name?
'Cause I'll be there and I'll be strong
Where are you? Where are you?
Even the shadows call your name
Oh, I will never be the same
While I keep searching on and on
Living my life, living my life without you
Where are you?
Meet me in the garden come break of day
Reach into the dawn and you can touch my face
Meet me in the morning it's a beautiful place
Seek me in the shadows where your thoughts all stray
Everybody's wondering where is the love
It's a heartbeat beating on the wings of a dove
Seek and you'll find me never be ashamed
When I wrap my love around you then you'll know my name
When the lights go out
Will you face the dark alone?
Or will you call my name?
'Cause I'll be there and I'll be strong
Where are you? Where are you?
Even the shadows call your name
Oh, I will never be the same
While I keep searching on and on
Living my life, living my life without you
Where are you?
Where are you? Where are you?
I'll be there and I'll be strong
Where are you? Where are you?
Even the shadows call your name
Oh, I will never be the same
While I keep searching on and on
Living my life, living my life without you
Even the shadows call your name
Oh, I will never be the same
While I keep searching on and on
Living my life, living my life without you
Where are you?
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