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Wake up, your time is nearly over
No more the supernova
And no action guaranteed
Wake up, you've had an operation
Ideals above your station
Too much reality
Think about the waste of time spending
Watching Mother Nature's knees bending
Everybody loves a happy ending
Wake up, you're on your own agenda
Give up the great pretender
With baby eyes of green
Wake up, you're holding on to nothing
You know you're only bluffing
As dead as autumn leaves
Think about the waste of time spending
Watching Mother Nature's knees bending
Everybody loves a happy ending
Don't you just love a happy ending?
Oh yeah well so do I
And all your love will shine on everyone
The darkness of the day
A curse in every way
You try to see the light
But you don't know why
Don't know why
They tell you on the phone
To give your god a bone
And grow a set of wings like a butterfly
The guardian at the gate
Reminds you that you're late
You try to take your time
But you toe the line
Toe the line
The children of the world
And daddy's little girl
The grass is always greener on the other side
So stay and breathe new lies
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
Wake up, wake up
Everything is moving faster than you think
(Wake up, wake up)
Your pen is running out of ink
(Wake up, wake up)
Fill up your bath and kitchen sink
(Wake up, wake up)
They're really kicking up the stink
(Wake up, wake up)
You've never found the missing link
(Wake up, wake up)
You should be happy in the pink
(Wake up, wake up)
You're in demand but out of sync
(Wake up, wake up)
A nod is as good as a wink
(Wake up, wake up)
Once more my dear friends to the brink
All the love will shine on everyone
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Titre en forme de compilation de motifs musicaux des quatre scarabées liverpuldiens.
Les Tears For Fears nous avaient déjà fait le coup avec "sowing the seeds of love".
Perso, j'aime beaucoup.
C'est toujours de la production très travaillée, voire sophistiquée-maniaque.
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