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t.A.T.u. - All The Things She Said

Voir du même artiste

Titre : All The Things She Said

Année : 2002

Auteurs compositeurs : Martin Kierszenbaum - Trevor Horn - Valeriy Polienko -Elena Kiper / Sergio Galoyan

Durée : 3 m 34 s

Label : Interscope Records – Universal Music

Référence : 019 697-2

Présentation : Extrait de leur premier album en langue anglaise 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane.
C'est une reprise de leur propre chanson Ia sochla s ouma (« J'ai perdu l'esprit ») parue sur leur premier album studio en langue russe.

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All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)
This is not enough

I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost
If I'm asking for help it's only because
Being with you has opened my eyes
Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise?

I keep asking myself, wondering how
I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out
Wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me
Nobody else so we can be free
Nobody else so we can be free

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
(All the things she said)

This is not enough
[Russian:] Я сошла с ума, -ма
[English transliteration: "Ya soshla s uma, -ma!"
English translation: "I went out of my mind"]
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said

And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed
They say it's my fault but I want her so much
Wanna fly her away where the sun and the rain
Come in over my face, wash away all the shame

When they stop and stare, don't worry me
'Cause I'm feeling for her what she's feeling for me
I can try to pretend, I can try to forget
But it's driving me mad, going out of my head

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said

This is not enough
[Russian:] Я сошла с ума, -ма
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said, she said
All the things she said
All the things she said

Mother looking at me
Tell me what do you see?
Yes, I've lost my mind

Daddy looking at me
Will I ever be free?
Have I crossed the line?

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said

This is not enough
[Russian:] Я сошла с ума, -ма
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
All the things she said
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1 commentaire
Chezod Le 25/12/2024
Mince ! Ce titre a été composé par Trevor Horn (The Buggles, Yes, The Camera CLub, Art of Noise…)

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