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VoicePlay - Grim grinning ghosts

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Titre : Grim grinning ghosts

Année : 2012

Auteurs compositeurs : Buddy Baker / Xavier Atencio / M. Mancina / Layne Stein

Pochette : Tony Akim

Durée : 2 m 41 s

Label : Not On Label

Référence : www.thevoice play.com

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We've been dying to have you
Oh, well the crypt doors creek and the tombstones quake.
Spooks come out for a swinging wake.
Happy haunts, materialize
And begin to vocalize.
Grim Grinning Ghosts, come out to socialize.
When the moon climes high on the dead oak tree,
Spooks are awake for the midnight spree.
Creepy creeps with eerie eyes,
Start to shreik and harmonize.
Grim Grinning Ghosts, come out to-to-to socialize.
Now don't, close your eyes and don't try to hide.
For a silly spook makes it by your side.
Shrouded in the depths disguise,
They pretend to terrorize.
Grim Grinning Ghosts, come out to socialize.
Well, the ghouls begin to shed there skin
And demons shake their bones.
A banshee sails into the night
And sing their frieghtful tone.
Welcome, foolish mortals,
To the haunted mansion.
Please move to the dead center of the room.
A-when you hear the nell of a requim bell,
Were glow screams where spirits dwell.
Restless bones, etherial eyes.
Raise of spooks of every size.
Grim Grinning Ghosts,
Grim Grinning Ghosts come out to socialize.
When the crypt doors creek and the tombstones quake
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize.
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2 commentaires
Hilaneste Lefurion Le 31/10/2021
Grim grinning ghosts a été composé pour illustrer la plus grande attraction de maison hantée, "the haunted mansion", propriété de Disney. Elle est présente aux states et à Tokyo.

Dans le même style, le groupe VoicePlay, dans lequel l'on retrouve un certain Geoff s'est également attaqué à l'entièreté de la bande originale du film "l'étrange Noël de Monsieur Jack" en version A Cappella, bien sûr… Un régal !
Dam-Dam Le 31/10/2021
The making of :

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