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Seems like the other day
My baby went away
He went away 'cross the sea
It's been two years or so
Since I saw my baby go
And then this letter came for me
It said that we were through
He found somebody new (who?)
Let me think, let me think
What can I do?
Oh, no
Oh, no
Oh, no, no, no, no, no
walking in the sand
(Remember) walking hand-in-hand
(Remember) the night was so exciting
(Remember) smile was so inviting
(Remember) then he touched my cheek
(Remember) with his fingertips
Softly, softly we'd meet with our lips
Whatever happened to
The boy that I once knew?
The boy who said he'd be true
Oh, what will happen to
The light I gave to you
What will I do with it now?
walking in the sand
(Remember) walking hand-in-hand
(Remember) the night was so exciting
(Remember) his smile was so inviting
(Remember) then he touched my cheek
(Remember) with his fingertips
(Remember) softly
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