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The Rivieras - Little Donna

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Titre : Little Donna

Année : 1964

Auteurs compositeurs : Bill Dobslaw

Durée : 2 m 4 s

Label : Sonet

Référence : SXP-6064

Présentation : Titre inspiré par la chanson "Rock and roll music" de Chuck Berry.

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I got a baby that I call my Little Donna
Well, she knows just what I wanna
She's got a shape that's really keener
And she come from Pasadena
Oh well, I love my Little Donna
Pretty little girl of mine

I have no problem with other guys
They seem to know that Little Donna's mine
And when we're on the Santa Barbara shore
I feel our love will be forever more
We love to go down to the Palisades
And hear the rhythm of the surfers' waves
And as we listen to the melody
I really know that she's the girl for me

I got a baby that I call my little Donna
Well, she knows just what I wanna
She got a shape that's really keener
And she come from Pasadena
Oh well, I love my Little Donna
Pretty little girl of mine

Well, we were driving round Riviera
And we went up to the Sierras
Oh well, the fragrant flowers smelled so fine
And Donna said she was forever mine
One starry night we were near oceanside
And I asked Donna if she'd be my bride
And so we settled down by Mission Bay
And I will love her till our final day
I got a baby that I call my little Donna
Well, she knows just what I wanna
She got a shape that's really keener
And she come from Pasadena
Oh well, I love my Little Donna
Pretty little girl of mine
Pretty little girl of mine
Pretty little girl of mine
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 17/07/2021
La chanson "Rock and roll music" de Chuck Berry a été adaptée en français par Johnny Hallyday sous le tire "Rock and roll musique", puis ont suivi les versions d'Eddy Mitchell, "J'aime le rock and roll", des Martin Circus, "Rock'n'roll circus" et de Gérard Blanchard, "Rock and roll musette".
En finlandais, Kirka a chanté "Kun alkaa rock'n and roll" alors que "Rock'n'roll biisi" a été interprété par Moog in Bändi.
En espagnol, Los Apson ont interprété "Cuqui" alors que "Música de rock and roll" a été chanté par Sandro y los de Fuego.
En limbourgish, "Dans de rock en roll mét miech" est interprété par FietseFreem.
En bulgare, Emil Dimitrov a chanté "Rok en rol".
Parmi les reprises, notons celle des Beatles, celle de Bill Haley, celle d'Humble Pie, celle des Beach Boys, celle de Canned Heat ou, en 2019, celle de Ronnie Wood.
En 1964, le groupe The Rivieras s'est fortement inspire du titre pour sa chanson "Little Dona".

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