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The Mystery Tour - The ballad of Paul

Voir du même artiste

Titre : The ballad of Paul

Année : 1969

Auteurs compositeurs : Evans, Brady

Durée : 4 m 29 s

Label : MGM

Référence : K1409

Présentation : Le disque orignal n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée, la photo est celle de la compilation "I buried Paul" parue chez Otherside (OSCD001).

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Has Paul McCartney leaved this world
Has he taken his last breath
Have John and George and Ringo
Told us of his death
Never made the papers
He didn't read it in the news
But it's right there for you to find
In several hidden clues

From Sgt. Pepper to Abbey Road, they had us on a chase.
If you know just where to look, it all falls into place.
An argument, an accident, an unseen traffic light
A left hand guitar on a fresh dug grave

An album dawned in mouring white in a magical mystery tour.
Three inside with blood red rose, one dead black one makes four.
Song lyrics are important, in fact they say it all.
At the end of "Strawberry Fields," John says "I burried Paul."

Four men on the front of Abbey Road cross a London street.
The first in white, the next in black, the third no shoes on feet.
A cigarette is held in the right hand of the dead
but McCartney was Left Handed so everyone is dead.
These are just a few things that I have found.
Is he somewhere on an English isle
Buried in the ground

Yeah yeah yeah

Of one fact I am certain, on one point crystal clear
Alive or dead or just a hoax, the truth we'll never hear.
John Lennon is a holy man, he'd like us to believe
He led us all from clue to clue, so fantasitc to conceive.

If you can find it in the scriptures, or read it in King Lear,
You may have a date in Pepperland, the time in drawing near.
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 29/06/2021
Encore un enregistrement qui surfe sur la rumeur du décès de Paul McCartney et qui culminera avec la sortie du disque des Masked Marauders

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