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There's a party in my pants
And I want you all to come
Voobanahana vop bop
There's a party in my pants
And I want you all to come
Voobanahana vop bop
Just got into town tonite oh yeah
"Voobanahana vop bop"
Oh my pants they fit so tight oh yeah
"Voobanahana vop bop"
Come along the surf is right oh yeah
"Voobanahana vop bop"
Bring some beer and being some cheese oh yeah
"Voobanahana vop bop"
Bite and tease and squeeze me please oh yeah
"Voobanahana vop bop"
We will soon be on our knees oh yeah
"Voobanahana vop bop"
After all is done and said oh yeah
You've been entertained and fed oh yeah
"Voobanahana vop bop"
Now it's time to use your head uh huh
"Voobanahana vop bop"
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Art Barnes et Artie Barnes, respectivement Bill Mumy et Robert Haimer,sont des comédiens et chanteurs qui ont inventé une civilisation mythique Lumania. Ils sont proches du Dr Demento et apparaissent dans beaucoup de ses émissions. "Voobaha" est leur premier album.
The lyrics :
The clip :
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