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The sun was rising on the Earth that day, woe-oh…
The surf was breaking big and the sky was gray, woe-oh…
No one would have known that the day was yet to show
A tragedy, woe-oh… surfin' tragedy
Shooting up the curl with his head held high, woe-oh…
He waved to his girl as the beach went by, woe-oh…
Little did he know that the day was yet to show
A tragedy, woe-oh… surfin' tragedy
Skilled at surfin', he was the best
Forty miles per hour, riding the crest
Right between the pilings of a Malibu pier
While darting to the wipe out as the pilings appeared
The sun was setting on the Earth that day, woe-oh…
The tide as it set seemed to say, woe-oh…
You should've stayed at home
But how could you have known
Your destiny was to be
A tragedy, surfin' tragedy
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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Le disque "The World's Worst records" présenté par les Rhino Brothers et le Dr Demento contenait un sac vomitif pour les auditeurs sensibles.
Avec en fond, le sonneur de cor de Kaamelott.
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