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You are all the woman I need, and baby you know it
You can make this beggar a king, a clown or a poet.
I'll give you all that I own, you've got me standing in line
Out in the cold, pay me some mind.
Bend me, shape me anyway you want me
Long as you love me, it's all right
Bend me, shape me anyway you want me
You got the power to turn on the light.
Everybody tells me I'm wrong to want you so badly
But there's a force driving me on, I follow it gladly.
So let them laugh, I don't care 'cause I got nothing to hide
All that I want is you by my side.
Bend me, shape me anyway you want me
Long as you love me, it's all right
Bend me, shape me anyway you want me
You got the power to turn on the light.
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Sandra Kim et Luc Steeno l'ont aussi chantée en néerlandais sous le titre "Bel me, schrijf me".
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