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Backdoor man
Oh, don't you leave me
Backdoor man
For if you leave me I'll get in
A New York state of mind
Backdoor man
Stay till the morning, ten to one
Husband won't show in before dawn
We got a lot of time
They say
I don't care 'bout what they say
You know my ins
And you will learn 'bout my out
The moon is like a flashlight
When you blend in with the night
Backdoor man
Oh, don't you leave me
I'll feel down
I'll be day dreamin', prayin' hard
You were back in no time
Backdoor man
When the game's over, when we're through
You'll run for cover, here they come
The New York states of mind
They say
I don't care 'bout what they say
You know my ins
And you will learn 'bout my out
The moon is like a flashlight
When you blend in with the night
Backdoor man
Oh, don't you leave me
Backdoor man
For if you leave me I'll get in
A New York state of mind
Backdoor man
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Merci à peter&sloane pour ce titre.
The lyrics : [Thanks !]
Plus agréable à entendre, pour moi, que son "Canoë rose" trop déprimant.
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